Showing posts with label gift for our anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift for our anniversary. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 August 2016


Hi everyone,

When my husband and I went to a gallery to view a new collection of South African artist Michael Taylor few weeks ago (more about it in this post "What I wore for a gallery opening), there were, like in every art gallery, the works of other artists on display a few of them which we really liked.  Particularly the one, depicting a very strange looking cat, totally got my attention.  Knowing that we are not hunting for any artwork at the time, I jokingly pointed out to my husband saying that it would be nice if we get it as a gift for our upcoming wedding anniversary, which is on the 29 of July.  

Traditionally, on the 29th day of every month my husband spoils me with a gift to mark the day.  It could be a pair of earrings or a voucher to the beauty salon or a coffee table book or anything he could think I would like to have.   Then, on the actual day of our wedding anniversary, he presents me with some lavish gift:  either an expensive piece of jewellery or a fancy handbag or a pair of gorgeous shoes.  That does not mean that I have to wait for the whole year if I need a pair of shoes but those gifts are not what I need nor even want, it is my husband’s and I quote "To spoil me rotten".  I have no objection to it, except occasional pang of guilt that the gifts should be for both of us, not just for myself but it does not bother him in the slightest.  We also celebrated this day by going out in the evening to one of the top notch restaurants in Sydney.

Anyhow, back to the story.  The time went on, I totally forgot about the cat but as the day of our anniversary grew closer, I started thinking more and more about what gift would I get this year or what restaurant we would go on the night.  My husband was keeping the plans close to his chest except for asking me to be ready by 7 pm.  Clearly, I had no idea about the surprise that he had in store for me, I did, however, felt slightly puzzled when I returned home after doing a school run and found no gift waiting for me.
As the day wore off, my puzzlement grew and with it came some disappointment.  Then, as if on cue, someone buzzed our security phone.  By the time I came downstairs to see who that might be, I found my husband standing in the middle of our dining room staring at the wall.  I followed his gaze and there, leaning against the wall, was the painting of a cat I had seen at the gallery.

Turned out, it was not just a picture of a cat, it was a cat called Behemoths, a character from the novel by a Russian author Michail Bulgakov, "Master and Margarita" painted by a talented Australian artist Jody Clark.  When my husband saw me looking at the painting, he quietly made an inquiry about its provenance and when he learned about its Russian connection, he decided to buy it for me.

We both absolutely love it.  If you take a closer look, you will be able to see that the letters on the door are Russians and so is the coin in cat's paw.

Technically, it was a gift for both of us but deep down I know that he bought it for me to honour my Russian roots and for that I am forever grateful to him.

When the time came for me to get ready, even not knowing where we were going for our anniversary dinner date, I thought my gold metallic pleated top with tuxedo pants and matching high heel shoes would rise to the occasion.  I found this shimmering top in Zara, Cape Town, when we were there earlier this year.  It was just hanging off the rack on its own as if someone left it there in a hurry.  I have always loved the tops with boat necks, not too high and not too low just, enough to show off your collar bone.   Besides, metallics and pleats are very hot right now and this top has it all.

My pants were also purchased on the same trip but this time it was in Lisbon.  I like the silk stripes running along the length of the leg and around the waist like a real tuxedo style making them look rather special.

And last but not least, the shoes.  I am sure it is not the first time I am stressing about an  absolute power which this accessory possesses over an outfit and its ability to make or break it. With that in mind, tonight I am wearing my newly acquired Louis Vuitton black shoes called Betty pump "accessorised with tone-on-tone resin marbles engraved with the LV initials".  Believe it or not, they were also purchased on the same trip but this time in Athens

All was left for me to do is to grab my mini Chanel purse and put on my coat and we were off.

As we were about to leave the house, my husband finally revealed to me our destination, a dinner at Quay.  It is Australian's most awarded restaurant and one of only two Australian restaurants on the prestigious S Pellegrino World's Top 50 list and to get a table there, one must book at least 6 months in advance.  You are not going to Quay for just dinner, you are going there to have a whole new experience of culinary world.  Situated in the historic district called The Rocks, Quay is not only famous for its unique food but its position offers the most breathtaking harbour views in the city:  over the Harbour Bridge on one side and the Sydney Opera House right across from it.  When it comes to food,  I quote "At Quay, our passion is to deliver a truly unique dining experience, one which is completely removed from the everyday".  Which they did with utmost excellence.

Needless to say, the food was sublime, the service - excellent, and the reflection of sparkling lights on the Harbour Bridge dancing in our wine glasses was absolute magic.   I couldn't wish for more.

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